Permanent Exhibitions
Diving into the carp pond and wrestling with the king python
The vivarium presents about 70 species of living reptiles, amphibians, fishes and arthropods in subnaturally arranged basins. Visitors can watch such uncommon and bizarre creatures as the green tree monitor lizard from Papua New Guinea, jesus christ lizards from Costa Rica and ball pythons from central Africa. Gray bichirs, fresh water sting rays and rainbowfishes introduce their tropical underwater world to our guests. Giant phasmids, tarantulas and desert ants may give some people the creeps while coral fishes patrol in their marine reef tank. But also local animals such as harvest mice are shown here. Visitors are invited to relax in front of our 8000 ltrs containing pond basin and watch carps, tenches and other fishes from the local pond fisheries doing their laps.
Meeting the animals
Every first Thursday at 4 p.m. visitors can watch our animals getting fed. Attendance is included in admission.
Adopt an animal
You’ve got a favourite? Become godfather to an animal!
With a godparentship visitors get the chance to adopt their favourite animal for one year. With your sponsorship you have got the possibility to back up your favourite animal financially. Your annual contribution helps us to cover the charges for e.g. food or the veterinary.
For your engagement we offer you:
– a certificate of your sponsorship
– an informative characteristics of “your” animal
– an exclusive guided tour through the vivarium and peek behind the Scenes
– free entry to our exhibitions
Furthermore, if you want, your name will be announced on our blackboard and online. From an annual contribution of 50 Euro you can choose between a contribution receipt or the possibility to advertise for your company.
Our current sponsorships:
ball python, female – Michaela Peter
ball python, male – Merten Darga
beauty rat snake – Humboldt-Apotheke, Brigitte Westphal
blacktail humbug – Susanne und Fred Fieberg
blue tree monitor – Lena Luise Trillmich
boeseman’s rainbowfish – Gesine von Wolffersdorff
chilean rose tarantula – Birgit Haase
cockroaches – Frunol Delicia GmbH
doctorfish tang – Volker Arzt
giant african millipede – Andreas Stellmacher
grass snake, pair – Ulrich und Erika von Möllendorff
green tree python – Silke Schiwy
madagascar giant gecko, female – Doris Sacha
Middle American and Southeast Asian aquarium – Zahnarztpraxis Dipl.-Stom. Michael Zörnig, Königshain
Middle American paludarium – Stadtwerke Görlitz
praying mantis – Lina von Wolffersdorff
tomato clownfish – Josefine Thiele
tomato frogs – Ilse Grosche
yellow tang – Zahnarztpraxis Dr. Silke Naumann, Görlitz